Shopping for mother.


are you using your own bags?
just an excuse to charge us for the plastic ones;
a bomb goes of in Syria,
an undeclared world war is going on.


they have run out of turnips
and three loose tomatoes,
cost as much as six packed ones;
a disabled English child goes dumpster diving,
waste not want not,
another species becomes extinct.


mother at 90 asks me to get her some Vim,
last produced in 1963,
the shelf packer laughs,
I buy some scouring cream.


the day is full of itself,
warm and fecund,
the may, the lilac, the rhododendron and the cow slips,
make up for the long winter;
I drink a pint of ale in sunny Abbotts Bromley,
the sound of a mower
and children playing in a playground.


the government mock the poor,
forgetting we vote,
not very clever,
they've privatized the tote.


unexpected item in bagging area,
a fly gets its own back.