Burying the mad alive.

It started with the Labour party,
you are not poor enough,
pull yourself together,
pick up your bed and walk.

The blind shall see,
the deaf shall hear,
the dumb will talk.

You will call us to small bright rooms,
as long as we can breath,
we will be fit for the ovens,
nothing to do.

Auntie got her kicks,
with all nutters aren't millers,
another welfare scrounger,
as the middle asses,
tut at the idle in their,
washed to rags ward clothes.

Where did you learn such sad indifference quack?
suffering from a deficiency of compassion,
just lumps of meat,
tattooed with bar codes,

Watching Train Spotting,
for tips on how to fail the interview,
everyone says they know of someone,
who should be humiliated in their incontinence,
work makes you free.

A Tail End Charlie,
told me on the locked ward,
give them what they want,
he stood up and squawked like a chicken,
the young trainee nurse hurried away.

Practice knitting and the burnishing of bright steel,
take a leaflet with you as you go.

