A walk in Town.

Talking to the old West Indian man,
at the bus stop,
ackee, saltfish and long hours at the Austin,
visiting his kith and kin.
The 65 to Town,
a holiday bus in her wedding gown,
how many giros does it take,
to make a free man?
Ham sandwiches on a Saturday,
tinned fruit and a piece,
of Louis MacNeice.
Rocks on a Friday
and everything in its place,
fleet and free the Harrier's race.
Giving some money to the Big Issue guy,
how many disabled must die,
to pay the rich man's debt?
a nasty parliament you bet.
A chat in the art gallery,
the last of the tea room cowboys,
playing with crayons and toys,
such are the simple things in life,
all love and the wishing wife.