9/11, halfway to heaven.

The first reports,
a light plane has crashed into the twin towers,
it unfurls as a fiery spring leaf,
a man falls,
this is CNN reporting,
tell my wife I love her;
our cat walks by my legs.

A man is kicked to death by squaddies in Iraq,
a brave sergeant defuses the suicide vest,
warn by a ragged kid with downs;
someone tries to turn opium poppies,
into pomegranates;
an electricity turbine crawls its way,
to the side of a damn in Afghanistan,
it rusts in the dry air.

My Muslim newsagent and I,
comment each day on the news,
we have our own views,
such is the nature of freedom.

China gets richer,
America gets poorer,
a new president tries his best,
a God of love is apparently an excuse for murder,
there is no Goddess,
children fly kites in Kandahar.

Our government kicks away the cripples crutch,
she falls over,
the spectre of the 1930's grows ever closer,
a lonely old man is shot dead in Pakistan,
I feed the cat.

